Daily Hope

February 24, 2022 - Exodus 28-29

"Clothes make the person", is a cliché that is not always true anymore. I was speaking to an executive in a large business who stated that he would not hire a person who came to an interview with unpolished shoes. An associate Pastor once stated that he would check my suit pockets and tie before we went to the platform to ensure they looked appropriate. Everything speaks to an audience.

Exodus 28 instructs Moses specifically how the priest's garments were to be fashioned for service. Gifted artisans, filled with the Spirit, were to make the articles for the priests to do their duties before the Lord. The expensive garments were intricately prepared so Aaron and his sons could fully represent the tribes of Israel.

Skilled mason workers carved the names of the tribes into two stones and placed one on each shoulder of the priest. This signified his responsibility of bringing the personal and national sins before the Lord. Precious stones engraved with the names of the tribes were to be sewn into the breastplate worn by the high priest over his heart as a memorial of the tribes. Each time Aaron entered the Holy place he carried the nation of Israel with him.

After all the garments were completed, Aaron and his sons were then brought before the Lord. Sacrifices of animals and cleansing by water was done for them so they could be set apart to minister in the tabernacle. They were sprinkled with blood from the sacrifices so they would be covered and have atonement in God's presence. Each day the priest was to serve the Lord and to present offerings to Him on behalf of the people.

Today, believers are daily to be set apart to the Lord, not to offer sacrifices, but to give to Him our prayers and worship. Each day we are called to represent God to an unsaved world with our time, gifts, and talents.

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Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.