Daily Hope

December 6, 2021 - Matthew 1:18-25

Unexpected events often are a source for differing emotions such as disbelief, surprise or fear. The event may cause us to go back and search our values and absolutes to ensure that we are acting in accordance with those principles. The occasion can cause us to either stand steadfast or slip away from our beliefs.

Joseph is an individual that suddenly is confronted with bewildering decisions. He finds the woman to whom he is engaged, now expecting a child. The uniqueness of her alibi possibly made Joseph stop and reconsider his decision. Joseph being a just or righteous man did not want to make a public example of her (v. 19), so he was going to proceed for a private divorce. His character was being challenged as he perceived Mary as unfaithful.

Joseph's mind may have been filled with questions and uncertainty before he drifted off to sleep in this passage. Suddenly he was confronted in a dream by an angelic being declaring the same statements Mary had previously claimed to be truthful. He was instructed to fulfill the marriage commitment to her. Her son would be named Immanuel, "God with us" and "He will save His people from their sins" (vv.20-23). What a dream and challenge to accept!

We see Joseph's faith and trust suddenly thrust itself to the forefront of his life as he awakens and determines to follow the angelic command in his dream. Mary becomes his wife and they accomplish God's plan for their lives.

Following God's plan and purpose is not always easy. We do not have dreams, visions and angelic visitations to direct our decisions as did Mary and Joseph. What we do have is God's Word. It is our source and guide in making difficult or life altering decisions. Take time to read, pray and wait upon God to help in difficult times of decision making. Knowing the truths and obeying the principles His Word teaches, can arm us for the unexpected decisions that may suddenly arise in our lives.

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.