Daily Hope

November 4, 2021 - Romans 14:1-12

Living in another culture or country can quickly bring to light the daily habits of the way people believe or act. For instance, in a Muslim country a woman wearing a head covering in public is very common and normal but to us it may appear abnormal. There are various forms of traditions and celebrations throughout the year that can appear unusual to those observing them for the first time.

Paul addresses this issue as he speaks of the unity that needs to exist in the church as different people groups begin to associate together in worship. The church had begun to gather Jews, Gentiles, slaves, and freemen into a congregation. In the city of Rome, many cultures had been brought together as people flocked to the metropolitan area and were converted. Conversion did not change the culturally accepted actions of these different people groups which created tensions within the larger church body.

From foods to special days of worship the differences had created tensions that threatened to shatter the group into factions. Paul’s response to this was to remind the groups of the singular importance that brought them together! “For none of us lives to himself and no one dies to himself. For if we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s” (vv. 7-8).

The temptation to consider the way one lives as superior to another is rebuked by Paul when he asserts that all will give an account to the Lord. In matters of personal preference, we are to allow the Lord to bring maturity and refinement. We are to give an account for ourselves and our own life we are living (vv.12-13).

Today, as you look at people in the automobile or at the store who pass you by, be attentive to the differences in each. Some have different clothing, hair styles, or markings that distinguish them from you; some will speak differently or be different skin color! Instead of avoiding or thinking of them as strange, take a moment to pray for them and ask the Lord to show Himself in such a way that those people would understand and receive Him. Perhaps at the same time, ask the Lord to help us not to be quick to judge those we do not know!

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Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.