Daily Hope

October 29, 2021 - Romans 12:1-8

I learned a principle many years ago that I like to say to people when I am teaching. "The word "therefore" is there for a reason so go back to the previous verses and see what it is there for! All that is to remind us that key statements are often introduced from previous information.
Paul has been telling us that the Israelite nation had been set aside for a time so that the Gentile people could receive salvation. God was busily at work with the nations of the world to draw them to Himself by grafting them into Himself. Paul now moves from theory to practical application and desires for his readers to live accordingly. He wanted his readers to recognize what the Lord had done and was continuing to accomplish in their lives as new believers.
Building from the previous teaching of grafting, Paul now states that the believer is to be conformed to their Savior not to the world that they had known (v.2). His emphasis was on the aspect of a believer becoming a servant of Christ and to not think more highly of themselves than they ought (v. 3)! This training of the mind was for becoming a servant and functioning together within the body.
For the will of God to be accomplished, the people of God would need to be transformed (v.2) and then willingly submit to one another's qualities and gifts. Like the previous illustration of grafting, Paul desires for the readers to see that unity and camaraderie is essential within the church. As there are many body parts that work in unity, so the Lord desires His people to be a unified body.
Professional athletes are highly trained and amazing to watch perform! They make a difficult task appear simple as muscles, tendons and skeletal parts all work in harmony. Paul's desire was for the body of Christ to operate in a similar manner, each part working together in harmony performing their respective duty without error.
Take a moment and think through what God has gifted you with and then use it to bless or encourage another part of God's body. Write a note, sing a song, speak an encouraging word. Build or purchase a gift as the Lord leads you today. May we "prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" today!

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.