Daily Hope

September 23, 2021 - Romans 3:1-31

Knowing someone who has authority or ability to make tickets or passes available allows you to confidently step to the front of the line and be allowed into the event. That person of influence or power entitles you to a privilege not otherwise available!

Paul had just concluded that all people, regardless of who they were, had been declared sinners in the sight of God. Whether they were brilliant philosophers, unlearned and deviant in thought or behavior, or from Jewish or Gentile heritage, under the law all had fallen short of God’s standard. This placed the Jewish people in a position to oppose Paul as they looked upon themselves as privileged and superior to all others. The question then arises from them, what advantage is there to be a Jew? Paul’s reply is to say, “Much in every way!”

That implies that he is going to go through the distinct ways the Jews are benefiting from being Jewish but instead, he lists just one benefit in this section. He states they have been appointed with the possession of the words of God. This advantage allows the Jewish people to know God and His ways more intimately.

Instead of listing others benefits, Paul chooses to expand upon this single thought and to answer the pressing issue of the entire world being guilty of committing sin. He uses several quotations from the Old Testament to prove his point that both Jew and Gentile are charged and found guilty of being under sin. In a quick review of verses 10-18, you will notice the inclusive words of all, none, not one to indicate the totality of mankind under the indictment of being sinners.

Paul then switches his thoughts to offer hope and a way for man to be reunited with God. While the law and its indictments bring man into condemnation and concludes with a verdict of guilt (v.20), God reveals a pathway to pardon. As all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (v.23) God offers a new righteousness or standing that can be received through Jesus Christ. It is offered “through faith in Jesus Christ” (v.22) and will allow God to pass over the sins committed by way of the shed blood of Jesus. A new standing is established that anyone can receive by faith in Jesus as His standing before the Father (Judge) removes our record of sin.

The place of privilege is now given to those who have received the right standing of justification and are declared pardoned. The question I am left with is have you received the gift of pardon offered by Jesus Christ? It really is simple to receive. Romans 10:9-10 describes for us the steps. Paul states, “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” If you have not made that decision, then consider taking the benefit offered to you and enter into the relationship with God through Jesus’ offer of redemption.

Coming Soon

Historical Listing of Daily Hope Devotionals.