Adult Sunday SchoolBerea’s adult Sunday school classes are interesting, engaging, and provide in-depth explorations of God’s Word. Sunday school is from 9:00 am to 9:45 am, with a time of open-fellowship (and coffee) beforehand, if desired.
Click HERE to learn more about the current adult Sunday School classes as well as other classes for all ages.
Additionally, Berea occasionally schedules fellowship times that are informal gatherings for fun, spiritual refreshment, and chances to interact in casual atmospheres. The fellowship times involve activities such as picnics, gym nights, movies, excursions, and other enjoyable activities.
Men's MinistryThere are regular meetings that involves fellowship, a meal, and Bible study. It is a time for men to share with one another, grow spiritually, and enjoy fun together. Occasional Thursday night series are scheduled.
Women's MinistryDuring the Fall and Spring, Berea women enjoy a weekly ladies Bible study when they pray together, develop meaningful connections, and study God’s word. Periodically, the ladies also enjoy women’s retreats together, hearing speakers such as Revive Our Hearts ministries.
JOY ClubJesus, first. Others, second. And, Yourself, last. For all those 55 years and older. These senior saints meet together periodically for times of connection, service, and fellowship. Click HERE for more information.