Fall Small Groups

Fall Small Groups

In the New Testament, as the church is beginning in Acts, the Greek word "koinonia," is used in Acts 2:42, which is translated as fellowship, communion, or community. God desires that each church body has strong relationships within it. This "community" was part of the mission of the growing church. Churches today do a variety of different ministries in an effort to reach the community, and also to build community.

We are excited to announce that Berea will be beginning small groups! The goal of each small group meeting will be Bible study, prayer, and fellowship together. The pastors and elders desire that these small groups be a place where you can share life together, encourage one another, challenge one another, and grow together in God's Word.

Click HERE to view a FAQ sheet that answers many questions that you may have, and also gives details about what small groups will look like.
It's important to know that we are beginning small groups with a short mini-session to allow everyone to get a feel for what a regular small group will look like.

The focus of this first session will be on the "Fruit of the Spirit." Each week, your small group will study and discuss one (or two) of the Fruits of the Spirit. Small groups will also pray together, and have a time of fun, fellowship, and possibly a meal or dessert.

Because we are only planning to have two small groups to start, the group sizes may be a bit larger than we desire, but in the beginning of 2025, we will launch our regular small group ministry with more small group locations. The total number has not been determined yet, as this will be determined in January once the interest is known.
